Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dreams of Paris-Possible Cure for Job Loss

My 35th birthday was approaching and I decided that the perfect way to spend it was in Paris, France. I had been falling more and more in love with the idea of Paris as I watched French films. I also talked to a few people who visited and I was so ready go for myself. I figured what better time to enjoy Paris than for my birthday. My first international trip! However, there was a major problem: I was unemployed. 
 I had been laid off from my teaching position since July 2011 and it was now December. I was jobless with bills to pay, but strangely nonchalant about being unemployed. The fact is that the job had become an emotional burden. So, instead of fear and depression I chose to be optimistic and almost irrationally certain that I would be fine.
Anyway, I put together a vision board and glued a picture of a suitcase and the words "Paris" on it. I also went to Costco and bought educational software to learn French. I told people that I was going to France; I started doing research on what to do, where to stay, and what to see while in Paris. I read, borrowed books at the library, and scoured the web.
I look back and I really think that my determination to go to Paris was a great motivator. The idea of taking a trip to Paris gave me something else to focus on besides finding work or being out of work.  Many times when something seemingly negative and frightening happens in life, we become consumed by it.  I've learned that it helps to visualize what we desire during these dark periods. By choosing to think not only of a job, but also of traveling to Paris-a dream trip- I think I avoided a negative spiral of obsessive worries about the future. 
I got a great job in March 2012. I paid for my trip in July 2012.  I turned 35 October 19th in Paris. 

Yours truly in Paris

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